Social Listening at Events - What Information Does It Provide

When an event is organized, what the public says about it is decisive both for the organization and for the evaluation of its results. In this sense, social listening at events plays an essential role in its different stages. Both in the weeks before, during the dissemination phase, during the event itself, and in the aftermath.


What information does social listening provide at events?

The conversations around the events take place on different platforms. Being able to listen, interpret and understand them is key for the organizing companies, in order to recognize the objectives of the spectators. And, in addition, to correct problems that may be appearing and that, if left untreated, could lead to a reputational crisis.


Before the event

The communication that takes place in the days, weeks, and even months prior to the event is essential for its success. It is a stage in which you can argue why the event is a good alternative to attend and what makes it attractive.

One way to fully understand the best way to address people who are analyzing the possibility of attending an event of this nature, the best thing is to be able to understand what they want, and what they are looking for. For this, social listening represents an essential tool that helps to search for and analyze mentions of festivals, the festival itself, and the groups and artists that will be presented, among other things, to be able to reorient the organization and communication in this regard.

But, in addition, since it is a strategy that is carried out in real-time, it allows the communication to be adapted to the changes that are found in the mentions as time goes by. It is also an opportunity to analyze what has been said about previous festivals or events, to correct errors.

Finally, in the time prior to the festival or event, you can find conversations in which the organizers are launching different actions in which social listening helps to know what virality they have had, what user ecosystems they are reaching, and what responses they are giving. these.


During the event

One of the peak moments of the conversations around an event occurs during its execution. In this case, it is about conversations that are fundamentally focused on what is happening at every moment. Mainly in the case of festivals in which several artists circulate.

Among the most important aspects at this point, we find the expectations and sensations derived from the user experience. Which is shared on different platforms in the form of joy, surprise, disappointment, and anger. Some of the aspects that can be referred to in these conversations range from the list of artists to logistics, access to the event, sound, hygiene, the operation of the bars, and the behavior of the artists themselves, among others. things.


After the event

Finally, another of the key moments of social listening in events is after, where what appears in the conversations is the summary of what happened, the feelings about it, and whether the expectations were met. What it does is offer us information regarding how the event was perceived by the public. And, identify if there may be a reputational risk or if the image has been mostly positive.

In the latter case, in addition, social listening allows identifying aspects to improve for future organizations. It is a way of measuring the digital footprint that the festival has left from its different aspects. Knowing what was liked the most and what would need to be modified.

At 202 Digital Reputation, we are a digital reputation agency that offers a 360° service. Among the different strategies developed, social listening is one of them and is used to obtain information in real-time from the conversations that take place on the different platforms of the network. Contact us and find out much more about how this can help you.



  • Ruben Gálvez, co-CEO de 202 Digital Reputation, licenciado en Relaciones Laborales por la Universitat de Barcelona, realizó el máster de Internet Business en ISDI. Con +12 años de experiencia en el sector de la reputación digital, tanto en el ámbito personal como corporativo. En 2021 Co-fundó 202 Digital Reputation.

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