Online Reputation
Al realizar acciones de comunicación corporativa o marca personal pocas veces se piensa en cómo va a posicionar dicha nota en nuestras búsquedas. Nos encargamos de preparar las acciones de comunicación no solo pensando en audiencias, sino pensando en posicionamiento y reputación.

About Reputation Shielding
“We conduct preliminary studies of the personal or corporate brand keywords and take charge of optimizing the content for proper indexing on Google through the PR actions we carry out. These actions are crucial to safeguarding the most common searches related to our company or personal brand, with the aim of maintaining maximum control over the key spaces where interested users will find us.”
Reputational shielding encompasses a comprehensive range of strategies and proactive measures aimed at safeguarding and bolstering the reputation of individuals, companies, or organizations in the face of potential crises, attacks, or threats that could detrimentally affect their public perception. The ultimate objective of reputational shielding is to protect the entity’s image and credibility, mitigating any adverse impact and upholding the trust of crucial stakeholders, including clients, investors, employees, and the broader public.
Contact with us
Your brand wears off every hour it spends being exposed to negative information on the internet.